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Three Branches Leadership:

New Challenge Plan



Inspire your team with values and vision to advance good government



Plan what needs to be done to be effective in your public service mission



Execute quickly while being a good steward of your organization's resources

In your life as a leader, the activities of leading, managing and administering are inseparable.  These are the three branches of good government leadership.


A leader who cannot manage may inspire people but lacks a plan to accomplish the mission.  A leader who cannot

administer risks losing credibility due to failed execution.


Your New Challenge Plan will address:

  • Strategic networking to enable leading, managing, and administering your mission

  • Decision-making frameworks for your top priorities

  • Effective delegation

  • Plans to introduce innovation

  • Preparation for hiring to build out your team

  • Managing to your resources and maintaining quality

  • Developing your team's collective capabilities

  • Constructive approaches to conflict


Your New Challenge Plan will deeply incorporate your strengths and values.  At the same time, the semi-structured approach will promote expansive thinking, accountability, and results.  You will leave this program with one integrated plan that will prepare you to tackle your new challenge.


This program is also available to small leadership teams.



What is the Three Branches Leadership: New Challenge Plan?


The Program has four components to ensure that every hour you spend on it is critical to your success as a leader, manager and administrator.


  1. Checks and Balances Sessions – Leaders will create comprehensive plans that integrate the three branches of leadership, management, and administration.  These sessions are available to small leadership teams or to individual leaders.

  2. Leadership Coaching Sessions – A leader arrives to the session with a specific high-priority issue that needs to be resolved and leaves with a plan for addressing it.

  3. Worksheet Feedback – During the Checks and Balances Sessions, leaders will have an opportunity to complete planning worksheets.  Kate will review these to offer feedback that may spark ideas for additional approaches.

  4. Asynchronous Video Messaging – The leaders in this program engage in twice-weekly asynchronous video messaging to promote accountability for intentions they set for themselves.  A video only takes a minute, and it is hard to say on camera why you did not follow through on a commitment you made to yourself.

When do I need the New Challenge Plan?


Ideal participants in this program are aware that a specific new challenge is starting soon, and they have at least a small amount of time to prepare for it. 


The program is designed for good government leaders who have just accepted a new role with significant new responsibilities, and for leaders who suddenly face a new environment that comprehensively impacts the strategy, plan, and operations of their team.

What can I do to confirm that this program is relevant to my situation?


This program is customizable, and I highly encourage you to get in touch with me before you sign up so that I can better understand your unique goals and circumstances even before our first session together.


This program can also be adapted to work within your budget or adjusted to work on a timeline that is relevant to your circumstances.  The New Challenge Plan is available to individual leaders and to small leadership teams.


© 2021 by Kate Muñoz Consulting

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